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From Darkness to Light: Transforming Primary Healthcare in Nagaland with The Mule

Oct 3, 2023


Three children standing in front of a primary healthcare center in rural Nagaland
A family consulting with a doctor in a primary healthcare center in Nagaland, which is powered by Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installation

The climate change crisis faced by the planet impacts both the poor and the rich in the world, irrespective of their geographical locations. Considering the increasingly unprecedented impacts of climate change, the primary goal of the signatories of the Paris Agreement is to limit the global mean temperature rise to 1.50C; and to halt or slow the GHG (Greenhouse Gases) emissions. Unfortunately, the pledges by governments to date, fall short of what is required to restrict global mean temperature rise by 1.50C. Therefore, countries need to both enhance their commitments and walk the talk, with urgency. 

India has acted proactively and often led the charge on climate change. This is significant especially considering country’s per capita contribution to carbon dioxide emissions, which has historically and continues to be considerably lower than the world average. Having almost achieved the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) commitments made at COP21, India indicated to significantly enhanced commitments at the recently concluded COP26. The mitigation related NDCs that were updated are (i) 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030, and (ii) by 2030, India will reduce the Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level. These enhanced NDCs are but a step towards the long-term goal of achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2070.

Nagaland, like many other states in India, faces a range of challenges in the electricity sector. But a main problem in this state is its hilly terrain, which makes it challenging to install reliable power transmission infrastructure. This difficulty in setting up transmission lines means that many rural areas of the state still lack access to electricity. Nagaland’s power supply is unreliable, with frequent power cuts and voltage fluctuations. These outages affect the functioning of critical infrastructure, including hospitals, health and wellness centres spread across the state. The lack of access to reliable electricity is a significant impediment to delivering quality healthcare services. 

Three patients waiting for consultation in a primary healthcare center powered by Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installationA house illuminated at night, powered by Sunmeister's hybrid solar system

Sunmeister Energy’s Mule installed in partnership with UNDP and the Government of Nagaland at 25 Primary Health Care centres across nine districts now provides reliable electricity to these centres, which often face power cuts or do not have access to electricity at all. The Mule has been developed as a response to problems on ground and has been customised to cater to the requirement of every PHC, including providing power for labs, neonatal units, vaccine storage systems, labour OTs and other essential medical services. 

Health and wellness center equipped with solar panels installed by Sunmeister in Nagaland

The system includes an inverter, battery and solar panels and has been supplying critical and off-grid power to the health care centres since installation. 

The MULE plug-and-play hybrid solar system, branded by Sunmeister, with the UNDP logo and the flag of JapanPrimary healthcare center with solar panels covering its roof

The Mule also has remote monitoring capabilities and staff at the PHCs have been monitoring power consumption of their centres through an app. 

Nurse monitoring Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installation from her phone

Team Sunmeister Energy also provided training to the healthcare staff for easy maintenance of this new infrastructure. 

Sunmeister engineers training locals on the operation and basic maintenance of the Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installationSunmeister engineers training hospital staff on the operation and basic maintenance of Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installationSunmeister engineers installing the MULE plug-and-play solar hybrid system in a primary healthcare center


  1. Timely healthcare intervention for safe deliveries, emergencies, and other medical requirements. 

    Medical equipment in a primary healthcare center, powered by an uninterrupted power supply, Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installation

  2. Improved working conditions and increased convenience for staff in the health facilities. 

    Healthcare center lit up at night, powered bySunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installation with energy stored in its battery

  3. Reliable power supply to plan and conduct surgeries and medical tests. 

    Hospital staff working with an uninterrupted power supply from Sunmeister's MULE,  an off-grid/hybrid solar installation

  4. Trust built among communities on the efficiency of the Primary health Care Centre. 

    The Mule is versatile and independent in that it does not require any connection with grid. It is a safe, user-friendly solution that comes with remote monitoring capabilities. While we have powered up health care centres and critical medical equipment at Nagaland through the Mule, its functions are diverse and can be customised to suit any kind of power requirement. 

    Learn more about the Mule at